Installing Homeassistant for blled
You might be asking why you should install Home Assistant when the BLLED can connect directly to the printer.
For the ESP32, you don't need Home Assistant, but it can be a great backup tool just in case BambuLab changes something which could break it.
Unfortunately, this has already happened to the ESP8266 variant of the BLLED controller.
The MQTT protocol in the version pre behaved more like the P1P, where it would send out small pieces of data over time.
Now, with this update, BambuLab spits out everything at once, overloading the small buffer the ESP8266 has, therefore making its primary use case impossible.
Luckily, Home Assistant is easy to install and is quite useful even if you aren't planning on making a smart home.
All you need is a Raspberry Pi or an old computer.
For the Raspberry Pi, there's a guide on how to install it available at Home Assistant's Raspberry Pi Installation Guide.
And for computers, there is a guide available at Home Assistant's Generic x86-64 Installation Guide.
Alternatively, you can search on YouTube for a guide on how to install Home Assistant.
Installing HACS
Once you have successfully installed Home Assistant and have it running, you need to install HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) from
HACS is a addon where contributors, like the HA-BambuLab team, can upload custom integrations to incorporate a wide range of devices into your Home Assistant instance. You can follow the guide at to install HACS on your Home Assistant instance.