• How to Obtain the Access Code, IP Address, and Serial Number

    To obtain the Access Code, IP address, and serial number, follow these steps:
    X1 Series:
    For the Access Code and IP address, navigate to the cog icon, then go to "Network". Both are displayed on this page.

    For the serial number, navigate to the cog icon, then go to "General". The serial number is displayed after "Device Info".

    Alternatively you can go to https://bambulab.com/en/my/support/tickets/create
    then go to Product Sn and copy your printer’s Serial Number

    P1 Series:
    For the Access Code and IP address, navigate to the cog icon, click on "WLAN". Both are displayed here.

    For the serial number, navigate to the cog icon, then go to "Device Info". It should be posted on the printer.

    Alternatively you can go to https://bambulab.com/en/my/support/tickets/createthen go to Product Sn and copy your printer’s Serial Number

  • What LED Strip / Power Supply Should I Use?

    For the power supply, we recommend a stable 24V 2A power supply, which you can find on platforms like Amazon and AliExpress.

    As for the LED strips, you can purchase any RGBW/RGBWW or RGBCCT 24V LED strip. Make sure they aren't high-density to avoid overloading the power supply or MOSFETs.

  • What is the RGB Option on the BLLED Config Page?

    This option, when enabled, bypasses the finish and error indicators and simply cycles the LED strip through red, green, and blue colors.

  • Does the blledcontroller work with the AMS

    Yes the blled controller will work if you have a ams connected to your printer.

  • How to wire up the blledcontroller?

    normally when connecting it to a powersupply the black wire is GND and the redwire is 24V, use a multimeter to check the polarity.

    When connecting a ledstrip for example a RGBCCT ledstrip the blackwire is 24V, and the colored wires are gnd’s. it usually says on the ledstrip pcb which wire is which.